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  1. Adrian Dozsa, Tudor Gîrba, and Radu Marinescu. How Lisp systems look different. In European Conference on Software Maintenance and Re-Engineering (CSMR 2008), p. 223—232, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008. DOI PDF 

    Many reverse engineering approaches have been developed to analyze software systems written in different languages like C/C++ or Java. These approaches typically rely on a meta-model, that is either specific for the language at hand or language independent (e.g. UML). However, one language that was hardly addressed is Lisp. While at first sight it can be accommodated by current language independent meta-models, Lisp has some unique features (e.g. macros, CLOS entities) that are crucial for reverse engineering Lisp systems. In this paper we propose a suite of new visualizations that reveal the special traits of the Lisp language and thus help in understanding complex Lisp systems. To validate our approach we apply them on several large Lisp case studies, and summarize our experience in terms of a series of recurring visual patterns that we have detected.