Remote Moose demo at the Club Agile Rhones Alps

Yesterday I had the pleasure of providing a 1h remote demo of Moose to the members of the Club Agile Rhones Alps. You can watch the recording on the cara74 page.

The audio and the picture was done through Skype, while the screen sharing was achieved through TeamViewer. It was fun to do it remotely. From and experience point of view, there were at least two things that made for a interesting experience:

  • I did not see the audience. This was tough. During face-to-face demos, I spend most of my time looking at the audience as I try to understand what works, what does not, what needs repetition, or what needs to be told in a different way. In this case, it felt like driving blindfolded: dangerous and thrilling.
  • Slow interaction. If during face-to-face demos I can react in real time to the points raised by the audience, in this case, the communication was less real-time. This was both a problem and an opportunity. On the one hand, this lag induced a low interaction. On the other hand, because of the lag, I had more time to think.

All in all, it was an interesting experience. At least for me.

Posted by Tudor Girba at 21 September 2011, 11:49 am with tags presentation link