Do you get thirsty

When I talk I tend to get thirsty, especially if I talk for a longer period of time. If I have a bottle of water with me during my talk, I will tend to drink from it. And when I drink, I cannot speak, and pause happens.

I usually have such a bottle with me during my talks. I would rather not use a glass because of two reasons. First, if I get nervous my hands coud start shaking and spilling water on me while speaking is no fun. Second, glasses usually do not hold enough water to last for a long talk. Instead I try to use one of the sport type of bottles.

Interestingly, it seems that the pauses I make for drinking do not happen at random, but rather somehow my brain knows when a pause is needed and I would just drink at about the right time. My explanation is that my brain needs a brake when I switch to another point and if it gets an excuse for such a break, it gladly takes it.

One thing I do have to remind myself is to not forget the bottle in my hands, because otherwise I just go drinking every second minute, and the whole plan fails :).

This is one trick that works for me. Would it work for you?

Posted by Tudor Girba at 17 May 2008, 11:51 pm with tags delivery, presentation link