Ost trifft West


I recently received Ost trifft West by Yang Liu. It’s a wonderful little book that captures the differences between China and Germany with very simple and expressive graphics.

Each graphic has a topic and it is split into two: the blue part represents Germany and the red part represents China. For example, the top graphic the topic is entitled "In trend", while the bottom one is entitled "Party".

The works were exhibited both in Germany and in China and they received equally positive feedback. On the one hand, this shows that the artist managed to capture the essence of two countries. On the other hand, this shows how expressive and how universal a simple graphical language can be.

I like her approach so much that I gave it a shot at expressing some differences between two possible ways of giving talks (the gray-way and the orange-way :)).



Posted by admin at 8 May 2008, 7:51 am link